Saturday, March 1, 2008

Killer Coke Mascott tour!

How are the surveys going?

Over at the SYC Wiki there is a page talking briefly about getting our student unions to fill out surveys on their purchasing habits. This investigation is an important step in improving our habits!
A similar survey was done by our awesome friends in Quebec. The thing is, the response rates seen from student unions were not so good. Don't get me wrong, a lot of valuable information was obtained and it worked out well. But the more surveys returned the better.

The truth is student unions are busy, and it's easy to forget about things like simple surveys. But this is important! It is based around the fundamentals of justice and how our capitalistic system often infringes heavily on respect for human rights. We know student unions are super busy and wouldn't be asking for some time if this was not important.

Our role is simply to remind them of the survey and get their attention! Talk to them, send them emails. Ask for a deadline as to when they think they can return it. Remind, and offer any help you can to complete the form :) . Then make sure Monique gets it in her hot little hands!

I have a fun idea for reminding your busy student unions :) :

A visit from the Killer Coke Mascot (website)! This walking, talking Killer Coke can has escaped from a Coca-Cola bottling plant and is touring the upper part of the continent speaking out against the practices of the company! You can have zir ( zir is a gender neutral pronoun) drop by your student union office, have a few words and have their picture taken with them!

We will track our cylinder-shaped friend on the wiki website map as they travel around, and people are asked to make a quick post on the Wiki to share in the fun.

All the best,
James, United Students Against Sweatshops regional organizer